
Okay so I've been watching this new TV show called undercover high. Things have completely changed since I left high school. When I was in school it didn't matter if you were Black, White, Hispanic, Chinese.. we all got along with one another and respected one another. There was none of this racist BS. On this show I am watching (undercover high) these students are highly disrespectful cussing out teachers, always on their phones, there is like a big racist problem between the students mainly against Hispanics and it is so shocking to me because when I was in high school the teachers didn't take disrespect very well suspension or detention was your future if you were disrespectful. but on this show the teachers just brush it off. Like what happened to disciplining students and why aren't parents disciplining their children anymore. If my mother heard that I disrespected someone I would have gotten my ass beaten she didn't play that mess and I will teach my child the same. but I'm very disappointed in how respect doesn't exist hardly anymore and I'm disappointed that people have taken steps backwards on racism like people fought so hard to not be discriminated against and almost everyone respected everyone no matter color, shape, size and now it's like these teenagers find it amusing to be racist and Idk what to think anymore. I was taught to love everyone the way they are and today's society has ruined that for everyone else. But back to my main point this show makes me so terrified to ever send my child to public school these kids are awful to one another bullying, talking about raping a girl, racism, and so much more. it just makes me highly nervous for the future in schools . Rant done! lol.