baby and tv

I have an almost one year old, I am a stay at home mom. He has plenty of toys and books, this child is beyond loved and taken care of. He is a VERY fussy boy though, he always has been. He cries all day long, of course he has happy times, but he cries A LOT. I never understand fully why, it's just his personality. He throws little temper tantrums, I had anger issues as a kid and I think he does too. He is such a handful, I'm just struggling. I love him so much, but why can't he just be more happy. I turn on the TV, baby Einstein, when he gets fussy which ends up being a lot more than I'd like. it distracts him from crying. He still plays with his toys, but I just don't know how else to do it. I know tv isn't great for them, but neither is me losing my shit completely one hour into the day. I don't know anyone else who has a baby like him, as needy as he is, I feel alone. I feel judged, I don't like to do stuff other people do because it's difficult with him. He doesn't just sit, that's insane to me some babies will just sit still in a carseat. He cried every car ride until six months, he will will cry after fifteen minutes or so. Idk I guess I need some support and reassurance. Anyways, does anyone else find tv helps as a distraction from crying? If you are going to be extremely rude just please don't. I love him more than anything in the world, I give him my all. I have only been away from him for a Max of three hours since he was born. He is the love of my life, just having a hard time.