Non-Existent Libido



I am a 33 year old healthy female. I’ve been in a monogamous relationship with my significant other for four years. Lately, I just haven’t been feeling it. I’ve tried taking supplements to increase my sex drive, and that worked for a while, but I didn’t want to depend on just those.

I feel bad because I know he has needs. But he also always expects me to be on top. Its that way 98% of the time. I’ve expressed my feelings to him about it but he always takes it personal. I love this man, so I don’t want sex to be a problem. I am starting to believe that I might have a mental block when it comes to sexual intimacy. I want to break this barrier and re-connect with the healthier side of my sexual drive because I haven’t always been this deterred by sex.

What would y’all suggest?