Birth story, almost three months late 😋


On November 2nd and 3rd I couldn't sleep at all my contractions were so bad but not close enough together or consistent enough to go in 😥 so I took some Tylenol PM and fell asleep till 1 am on the 4th. I stood up to go to the bathroom and felt like I had just peed myself so I woke my fiance up and had him (complaining the whole time lol) take me to the hospital. We got there and my fiance immediately fell asleep on the couch and I found out my water had broke so I was admitted. I planned for natural but after being awake for going on three days I got an epidural at about 7cm. Around 4:30pm the nurse came in the check how dilated I was and accidentally broke another water sac! Apparently I had two of them. From there things started to kick off, my little man's heart rate kept going down so they figured his cord was wrapped around his neck and they brought in so many nurses, like I swear every single nurse in the hospital was in the room it was so packed 😩 My dad showed up right in the middle of things and they immediately rushed him to the corner so he couldn't see anything lol. After 45 minutes of pushing my little man Reese Leo came into the world at 5:38pm, 8lbs 10oz and 21in long. Thanks for reading!

here's him Now

Here's him when he was first born ❤️❤️