No is enough

Rape is something we don’t talk about. We are taught it’s too taboo for people. Telling my story is important to me. It’s healing to know I’m not alone, and that I could help someone else.

I trusted him. He was the friend of a friend. We became friends. I guess. He was always around. He would flirt, but I didn’t take it as anything really. Just being silly.

Until we were alone. Completely alone together. I don’t really remember why, or how that came about. I went to leave. When he pushed the door closed.

He pushed him self up on me so I was pinned between the door and his body. I could feel him erect. He whispered, “Don’t go. Let’s have some fun.”

I told him no and I had to go. But he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. In my head I knew that. I really knew that when he placed his hands down my pants. And told me I wasn’t going anywhere.

He turned me around a guided me to the bedroom. The intimidation I felt, I froze and could not think of anything else but, how do I make it out of here without getting hurt or worse.

I remember trying to fight him off telling him I had to work, or that I need to get something done before work. He looked down on me held my hands above my head and said, “All you have to do is lay back and enjoy yourself. He then slid down my pants.

The look in his eyes. It was like he turned into a different person. He wasn’t going to let me leave. When he was finally done. I stood up, got dressed and left.

I didn’t know what to do. I blamed myself. I could have fought. I could have been more persistent. I could have not been alone.

Bottom line it happened and survival was the most important thing. My first no was enough.