California threatening Jail time over servers giving out straws.

Angela • Baby Boy Born July 20th 2016💙 Baby Girl Born August 24th 2018 🎀 Baby Girl #2 Born January 2022 🎀 🌈 Baby Boy #2 born May 17th 2024 💙

So apparently California now wants to pass a law that if waitresses or waiters bring people straws without them asking for one they can face 6 months of jail time and or a $1000 fine... I’m all for helping the environment but I think just asking people to request them is fine, not sending a waitress/waiter to jail over it.

Another lovely example of why people make fun of California 🤦🏼‍♀️

I just don’t understand how this state can so easily misplace all of its priorities, especially when there’s so many bigger issues we’re facing.

What do you guys think about this?

Assembly bill 1884