My Roommate


I’m college freshman and my roommate is driving me up the walls. From the very beginning she has been extremely negative and made things harder than they needed to be. For example:

- She leaves every weekend and parties to no end.

- Has ridiculously high standards for me and anyone she meets (ie. If you’re deemed “negative” she will try to completely cut you out”) despite not meeting those same standards.

- Any time we talk, she consistently picks topics I have expressed distaste for and drills me with questions about my life choices.

- Seems oblivious to my growing discomfort around her and insists we do stuff together just because we are roommates.

- Leaves the room trashed every week and I come back to clean it.

That’s only some of what she does. I feel really bad, cause I tried. I tried to like her and invite her when I go out and even tried making myself converse. It’s at the point now I am living in my boyfriend’s dorm during the week and only come back to shower, do laundry, or clean when she is gone on the weekends.

I’m no goddess either, I can be snippy and moody as a mfer but she’s even tried telling me I can’t come shower if she’s in bed or that my boyfriend wasn’t even allowed to be in the room simply because. I understand the idea some people want to be friends with their roommates but I made it clear that I wasn’t going to force a friendship when we requested to room together. Am I being ridiculous? I don’t want to hurt her feelings but I’m going a little nuts seeing her just the few small times I do now.