Venting about pain

I posted something like this earlier, but I missed out on some things since I was feeling upset/frustrated.

I missed a pill late last month and had unprotected sex. About a week later, on my supposed period week, I got light spotting. Just enough to be annoying, but not enough for a tampon. It came late and ended early. The thought of being pregnant hadn't even crossed my mind. I completely forgot about it until then. Took a test then, came up negative.

Now this is 2 weeks later. Besides feeling incredibly emotional lately, no pregnancy symptoms are present. But after the negative test, I started to get an extreme burning sensation in my ovaries. I've had problems with it in the past. I know it's not something else. It hit me like a freight train. It hurts to walk, lay certain ways. It's put me in tears this past week. Can't eat without vomiting or feeling nauseated. I'm exhausted and miserable.

I have a doc appointment set up the earliest I could get. I'm just feeling so down in the dumps right now. I've had many issues with my ovaries and I've been treated for these issues. I don't understand why I'm feeling this pain.

Ugh thanks to anyone who read this post. If anyone has a similar story or advice, please comment❤️