baby has popped blood vessels all over face and neck


Ok moms I need some advice. My 15 month old son has small popped blood vessels all over his face and neck, medically called petechiae. He has had them since Wednesday, it was not very bad so the advice nurse suggested to just keep an eye on it. However yesterday around 4pm or spread all over his face and going down his neck and slightly to his upper chest. I was advised to go to the er. They took blood work and his blood platelets came back fine. He has no other symptoms, so they told me while it was not normal it also did not seem life threatening, and to come back of it spread to his lower chest or other symptoms appeared. They also mentioned it might be from him crying with force. He's a normal baby urs he cries but not that crazy our for that long. With all that said I just have an uneasy feeling about this, I really have no idea what it could be but it's deffinetly not normal that he has these all over and all they can say is it may be because he cried to hard. A few seems reasonable sure, but this seems excessive to me. Anyone else

