Help me please 😔


Alright ladies, don’t even ask me why there’s a sad face in my title because honestly 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

anyways, I started metformin right after thanksgiving. I take 1,000mg a day. My doctor estimated that I should get my first period on it anywhere from Dec 15-30th. Needless to say, no. I didn’t. I haven’t been tracking anything because i’ve been WAITING for this first magical period. My periods were monthly/bi-monthly until now & i’m getting frustrated.

My boobs are tender and sensitive. i go from my stomach being upset to being hungry.

within the last week I have began having random bouts where I don’t eat for 24(ish) hours. i get hungry, but nothing looks or sounds good.

I work with 2 year olds and I’m known to be the one who can handle pee, poop, vomit, etc. well this week i cannot do the smell of PEE. the most minute thing in my daily routine. I can’t stand the smell of some diapers either??

I feel insane and my boyfriend is begging me to test. But with all of the times i’ve felt pregnant & wasn’t, do I bother? 😒