Not hopeful


I went to the ER with bleeding that had gotten heavier over the course of a week or so. When they did a scan there they told me I was 5-6 weeks along when I should have been 8w2d. My HCG levels were also consistent with being 5-6 weeks pregnant. They were not able to locate a heartbeat but told me that I could just not be as far along as I have thought. I go back on Monday to retest my levels to see if I am having a miscarriage for sure or not. I’m on bedrest until then. I’m not hopeful at all. I’ve been bleeding, passing small clots, cramping, and having back pain. I got a positive pregnancy test at 3w4d so I’m positive I should be over 8 weeks. My first child was an accident and that pregnancy went pretty well. This child was planned, prayed for, and longed for. I’m heart broken. I think my husband is in denial and will be until I get my lab work done on Monday. What makes it harder is that we are a military family and our closest relative is 12 driving hours away. My husband deploys in about a week which is already going to be hard and then to add this on top of it... I’m just feeling really overwhelmed and alone.

Has anyone gone through anything similar? What has helped you grieve and accept what’s happened?