Is this too much to ask?

My husbands parents are the kind of people who think everyone needs to know everything about their family. When we go to dinners at their house his mom always says something like “oh I ran into your 2nd grade basketball coach and told him you’re having a baby” and my husband always says “I don’t remember him and I’m sure he has no idea who I am” but his mom always insists on telling these absolutely random people from his past.

A little about us, my husband doesn’t use social media and I have a Facebook but never ever post on it. I’m 26 Weeks and unless you see me on a regular basis you wouldn’t know I’m pregnant. We’re not hiding it, I just think if you don’t know me enough for me to tell you in person I don’t need your approval. (We’re 24/25 and married so we’re not embarrassed either) just our decision. We’ve decided to keep any pictures of our daughter off social media as well, too many creeps.

So anyway, is it too much to ask for us to ask his parents to not show people pictures of our daughter once she’s born. Because we know his mom is going to show literally everyone and I am totally uncomfortable with people I’ve never met seeing my baby.

*my family is completely on our side with keeping our baby’s photos as private as we ask them to