
Yes I know I’m not very big for being 8months pregnant.. & EVERYONE KEEPS SAYING THAT! I know I should take it as a compliment & I do for the most part especially for the fact that I’ve only gained 13lbs so far.. but it just gets so annoying when people keep commenting on it over & over & over. Like omg what do you want me to do?!!! I eat all the time & babygirl is growing just fine. Or I get “you’re fat, you’re huge, you have a double neck & my nephew is gonna leave you” from my boyfriends Aunt 😑. I ignore her because she’s not the greatest person to talk about anyone but it still pisses me off SOOO BAD!!!!!. Sorry just had to rant on a subject I feel like all us pregnant woman fall too: UNWANTED COMMENTS THAT PISS US OFF!