... I'm a Hot Mess

To start, my period is hell.

There has never been rhyme or reason according to length, timeframe, heaviness or lightness, cramping or no cramping and the only source of regularity I have is to estimate that on the 7th of every month the bleeding gets heavier.

Starting November 7th until January 10th I bled every single day. But after having unprotected sex on the 11th, it stopped. (Hasn't been back since.) Then the 12th through the 17th it seemed like I ovulated (which would be weird for my cycle if I had any rhythm to it).

Now we've come to this last week.

My boobs, my nipples mainly, ache like crazy. (Never has happened for ovulation or periods before but why stop now at irregularity?) Touching them at all makes me want to cry - even down to taking a shower and water dropping on them hurts. I've had painful cramping both in my belly and back, like a really heavy period is in the distance getting the army ready for war. I've been moody like crazy (sorry boyfriend)- mainly anger and crying, which I don't even get when I have my period. But the weirdest symptom is that my skin has completely cleared up. I normally have dry skin with acne all around my jawline and cheeks but there is nothing. My skin even feels oily which it never does.

Thinking maybe I was pregnant, I've taken a few tests but they all show negative. They show positive after a few hours but I'm sure that's the evap line right? (I'm using pink dye ones from Dollar General)

When am I supposed to check and see if I'm pregnant? I'm pretty sure I'm probably testing way too early but any help right now is worth something to me. Thank you!