Learning to love these marks 🤰🏼

Kellie • First time mommy to a babygirl named Lillie ☺️💕

I’m gradually learning to love the marks that I’m being blessed with through this journey. I’ve become so insecure about these marks that it has held me back from excepting the beauty of pregnancy and the love from my fiancé. I’d cover my bare skin as much as I could because in a way I felt ashamed that I wasn’t able to keep my body “beautiful”. I’d refuse the touch of skin to skin contact with my fiancé. He says I’m gorgeous and that it’s not fair he has no marks on his body to show the brilliance within these 9 months... I’d never believe those words coming outta his mouth. I’d refuse to accept my beauty. But no more. Today that will change. I will carry myself with pride and show that I AM BEAUTIFUL!! I bare within me the courage and self-love that I deserve to flaunt. These marks were planted on me like a forever tattoo that shows “I am a woman that endured months of difficulties but pushed through with my head held high”. I am carrying a life within me. I am a phenomenal woman. 💕

Show them beauty marks ladies!!