Do vaccines cause behavioral issues?


So my neighbor has 3 kids,ages 3,5,9. Today they were over playing in my basement with my 9yr old Daughter. My daughter comes up stairs crying saying the trashed the toy room. I go down their and Holy Hell🤤Its bad...Several broken toys,tables flipped over and paper shredded everywhere. I tell my friend that her kids can't leave until it's cleaned and vacuumend. She half assed asked her kids too do it and all three of them got angry and pitched a bad fit. I intervened and told her kids they're not welcomed back unless they clean up. My friend Interrupted me and said that I shouldn't scold her kids because their behavioral issues are a reaction to being vaccined....I.was so puzzled I wasn't sure what too say and just wanted too call her out in complete BS but kept my mouth shut...Is this really a thing or is she just making an excuse for her kids horrible behavior?