I need support

Mary xx • Mama to one beautiful boy

I’m 10 weeks, 5 days pregnant. I’m 18 and I need some help, advice, support. My partner who is also 18, is studying, working two jobs and has really kicked off his life. He wants NOTHING to do with it and has made that abundantly clear. This wasn’t planned, but from the beginning I have always said that I would get an abortion. But now I’m just a complete wreck. I don’t know what to do. I have no direction. Time is running out and his family really do not want me to keep this baby to the point where his parents would split, (so dysfunctional). My parents are the complete opposite and will stand with me through whatever I choose. But I just need some sort of advice/guidance. Someone who has gone through something similar? I just really need someone to talk to, because I am literally losing my mind. Thank you