Back-to-back pregnancy 😱😓


I just had my baby boy 7 months ago and my husband and I are currently expecting our third child which was a bit of a shocker for both of us. I found out I was pregnant on New Year’s <a href="">Eve</a> so basically two pregnancies in 2017. I look at all the stories of women trying to conceive and I feel a little guilty about feeling so mixed about this pregnancy!! I had a rough pregnancy with my son and a rough delivery. I was sick until 24 weeks, lost 15lbs (I was already kind of small to begin with) and had a hard time gaining weight because of strong food aversions. The birth was rough and put both of us at risk. Our baby boy is also still not sleeping through the night yet and is far more fussy than our daughter was. The sleep deprivation is huge and now I’m exhausted and nauseous all the time because I’m pregnant again 😩. To give you an idea how big of a shock it was, our oldest is 6, youngest is 7 months. We had a big gap between the first two and now we will have a little over a year between our son and this new baby.

I don’t really know what I’m seeking from posting here. Maybe advice from other moms who’ve handled back-to-back pregnancies? I also worked hard to get back into shape mentally and physically after my son, and I’m about to endure it all again so soon- feeling nervous and anxious about it. What sort of things did you do to have energy? How did you stay healthy? ANY advice is appreciated.