Boyfriends mom (rant)


I don't really know where to start..

Basically my boyfriend's mother is very judgmental, she's kind of entitled and I hate to say it but she's just two faced. She's the kind of person who will help someone just to brag about what a good person she is if you know what I mean, for example her friend had to get a pace maker put in so she told her she would bring her to the hospital which is around an hour away, after her friend went in for surgery she posted on Facebook about how she's at the hospital with her and all her friends commented about what a good friend she is, all the while she's texting my boyfriend about how she doesn't know why she is helping her friend, that her friend doesn't deserve any help and blah blah blah. ( sorry kind of went off on a tangent)

ANYWAY- my boyfriend doesn't have boundaries when it comes to personal things between us,

Whenever my boyfriend and I argue he goes and tell his mom about the argument, doesn't tell her anything he did to make me angry (of course) just makes it seem like I'm a bitch and it gives her reason to dislike me, and she always holds these things over my head and uses them to argue with me, I'm 17 weeks pregnant and it's really starting to stress me out. I told my boyfriend that personal subjects between us need to stay between us from now on because him telling her these things doesn't end with her giving him a solution, it ends with them shit talking me and giving her reasons to make arguments with me.

Before new years my boyfriend and i got into a discussion about our baby that turned into an argument,

(I'm not gonna go into detail of what the argument was about but it's was more or less about our baby's health) he told his mother about the argument and what decision I want to make for the baby (that he knew she wouldn't agree with) and so the next time I saw her she started an argument with me about the whole thing, she told/yelled at me what she would do and what I should do and I told her it wasn't her decision to make, and she starts saying how I never let my boyfriend make decisions and I told her that if that were the case then i wouldn't bother discussing things with him, those are the only things I said in that argument and then she started saying how I was going to end up a single mom, how I'm messed up, my whole family is messed up, I didn't say a word. I left. I told my boyfriend I won't be going back until she can get off her high horse and apologize to me, so the next week he said he talked to her and she wants to apologize, like an idiot I believed him and went over that weekend- no apology. Next weekend same story, I think okay maybe last weekend everything was too fresh and she will this weekend- no apology. This weeks I told him I'm giving her one last chance if she doesn't apologize this weekend then I'm done, he said okay. Guess what! No apology but she did give an excuse this time as to why she won't apologize, she said when I told her that If he didn't have a say then I wouldn't discuss things with him that I sounded sarcastic... that's totally a reason not to apologize for saying I'll end up a single mom right? Also each time I saw her after that argument took place she acted like nothing had even happened, carrying on conversations with me with a smile, like what she said to me didn't matter at all...

I really feel like when the argument happened she expected me to be rude and disrespectful to her and because I wasn't but she was she has to find the teeniest thing to justify her not apologizing...

Also she's constantly bringing my baby into arguments she has with my boyfriend and im getting well tired of it, an argument about dinner will turn into an argument about my baby, she uses the fact that he'll be a young dad as a weapon and uses our unborn child as a manipulation tactic! Needless to say I'm having second thoughts about letting this woman around my baby... she already said she wants to be at the birth and how she wants to babysit (both of which I definitely don't want) I don't know what to do anymore 😪 I'm at my wits end