When you aren’t sure you should try again!


Two weeks ago I was 7 weeks pregnant and at our first scan there was no heartbeat and baby was measuring 6 weeks. Our dr ran progesterone levels and had us come back one week later to verify if our pregnancy was going to be viable, sadly baby did not grow and still no heartbeat. We decided to have a D/C on Friday, and with all procedures I was nervous but was okay. I woke up in the recovery room being told I was being kept over night instead of going home because I hemorrhaged and lost a liter of blood and it took all three meds to get me to stop bleeding. This can happen with any D/C but with my last c-section I also lost more blood than normal. Now my SO and I are questioning weather or not we should try again and take the chance of hemmoraging again. We have always talked about adoption but knowing I may not have another is making me sad.