Would I be “stealing” my friend’s boy name??? Is it wrong to keep the option Henry (“Hank”) on my short list?


I’m 35 weeks pregnant with a boy. We have had a long list of possible names for a while but have kept them to ourselves and will not announce his name until he’s born. Our list is now down to 4 names and one of the names all along was Henry and we would call him Henry or Hank (we like both). Well my friend became pregnant (she’s currently 23 weeks) with a girl. She said she’s struggling to settle on a girl name and said she wished it was a boy because they know their boy name would be Hank. She went on to talk about how cute that is and how much she loves the name...not knowing it’s on my “short list”. Would it be wrong of me to name my baby Henry/“Hank” knowing that she might have a boy one day with the same name? My husband says he doesn’t care because he likes the name and if it’s the one we want when we look at him and actually choose, he doesn’t think we should have to consider that my friend “might” one day have a boy. Especially because we live an hour apart so we don’t see each other very often and our kids will be in different schools and different ages and she might not even want that name anymore if she does have a boy one day and then we gave up our first choice “for nothing”. Also he pointed out that what she doesn’t know is we liked that name and had it on our list long before she even knew she was pregnant so we didn’t “steal” it. But this isn’t freshman year anyway..we are almost 30. I just know she would be passive aggressive about it and I really like the name but I don’t want it to cause drama.

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