I'm finally pregnant!!


last week starting Monday, I started feeling off. I was using the bathroom more. I had cramps like I was getting my period but it never came (that was my biggest sign since I've I'd periods with no cramps but obviously never cramps with no periods). my stomach started feeling more firm (I thought it was due to my exercising to try getting more toned). but I knew something was weird so I had my fiancé grab some tests on his way home from work. unfortunately I forgot about them when I got up not realizing what time it was to use the bathroom the following morning but I definitely made sure to take one the next two mornings. my fingers are crossed as I am a Type 1 diabetic so it will be difficult. I'm fairly certain everything is ok with the baby as I'm just now starting to get more symptoms. I find out for sure on February 12th. if I've done my calculations right, my baby will be due on September 20th. I'm just praying that my appointment goes well and that everything goes as it should and that my baby is heathy ❤