Due on the BEST day ever!! πŸ™πŸ»


Ok so I have to just post this on here, bear with me 😭😍

So my grandad was like a dad to me growing up. My biological father was an abusive alcoholic, but my mother and I never said anything to anyone for y e a r s. My grandad never knew about this!

He was my inspiration, my hero. πŸ™πŸ» loved him to absolute pieces and I still do. I took care of him right until the very last day! Biked to the hospital at silly hours in the morning, watched him deteriorate from the strongest person I've ever known. Fed him, cleaned him, slept next to him by the hospital bed. When he came home I sensed it was his time to go, I had to rush my family all in and I sat holding his hand on the bed! Whispered to him that I loved him, and he passed away peacefully a few moments later. My birthday is 2nd October, his was 3rd October. I was also born at 2.18pm. He passed away 23rd November at 2.18pm..

Now I know he has been watching over me and taking care of me! It's been so tough without him these past 5 years, to the point I almost gave up my life.

But now? I've moved countries, and married the most amazing person in my life. It's been tough these last 8 months being here, financially, as I haven't been able to work nor get out of the house because I can't get my license over here until I get my greencard. But guess what? ...

Today I have finally received an interview date for my greencard!

On top of it all! I have JUST found out I'm pregnant 4 days ago! And when am I due? ...

My grandads birthday! My due date is 3rd October. 😍 this could not have been a coincidence! I know you're here grandad. And I am so grateful. I love you.