After having baby #1 how long should you wait to have baby #2?

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My last two are going to be 11 months apart πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚


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they say at least 18 months to let your body heal and recover


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I waited 3 years, but that’s just because I wanted my son to be less of a baby when I have a newborn πŸ˜‚ I haven’t had #2 yet (I’m pregnant now) but I feel like it may make things a bit easier that my son will be close to 4 when the baby is born. Also being sick and pregnant is easier when your kid is slightly less needy, I chose the first option tho because as long as your body is ready to have another, and so are you, you should have one!


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Whenever you feel the need to get pregnant I started trying 8 weeks after πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ˜…


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Number 2 is due 4 days before number 1 turns 3!


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I waited until I wasn’t scared to have another one anymore lol I felt like I would have been soo overwhelmed until my daughter was close to 2, then we started trying again.I will give birth approximately 1 month past my daughter’s third birthday and I wouldn’t have it any other way!


B. β€’ Feb 1, 2018
I’m 8 years older than my one brother and 12 years older than the other and we get along great! Don’t worry about that at all! Plus, it’s not on your time- you’ll get pregnant whenever its meant to happen! :)


Jassmin β€’ Feb 1, 2018
I’m just not sure how long I should wait to give her a sibling like what if I wait too long...


Jassmin β€’ Feb 1, 2018
No I definitely understand! I have siblings as well and they are the only two that really understand me, this is also the reason I don’t want her to be my only child. πŸ™‚


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My doctor said we could start ttc 6 months pp


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Whenever you feel you and your SO are ready.


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Our #2 was born when our #1 was exactly 2.5 ☺️


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It takes your body 2 years to heal. 😊