Smell.. down there?


Alright so I'll try to word this the best I know how and I apologize if this is posted in the wrong group, if so please inform me and I'll move it to the proper group. My vagina for the past year now has smelled different. I mean before it wasn't a noticeable scent, I've never had any problems but this past year 90% of the time it smells kind of bad. Not like a oh I'm gonna be sick bad but definitely a different smell than its always been. I have no discomfort though. No itching, burning, no abnormal discharge in texture, color or anything. I have noticed absolutely nothing different except the smell. It's a strong smell (at least to me, like I can smell it). My boyfriend jokes around about it because I've mentioned how I'm bothered by it so he tries to make me feel better (he always just tries to make me laugh about things) and he doesn't go down on me hardly ever as much as before but when he does he never complains of anything but I swear it must be because of the smell. I just can't figure out why it smells bad. Could it be diet related? Not proper washing? I don't use feminine washes because I've heard they aren't good for your vagina seeing as how it's self cleaning but I USED to use them and never had this problem. I just don't know. Any advice/tips would be appreciated, ladies. Thank you in advance.