Baby Shower Registries


My boyfriend's brother and sister in law are expecting twins soon, and they are registered at 2 different stores. Babies R Us and Target, I finally figured out what we was going to get them from their Target registry. Well now my love wants me to look up the deals at the Babies R Us registry since BRU is closing 100+ locations. Since the twins are his 1st nieces or nephews or 1 each and this is my 1st time buying from a baby registry I kinda want to get a lot of stuff for them from a registry. So far I picked out 10 items on the Target registry for around $160. Now I have to figure out what to get from BRU registry to see where we'll get better deals. But I'm going to make his ass to help me pick out stuff for his nieces or nephews that we can financially do this weekend. I am happy and excited for them but we've been trying to conceive with no luck and I don't want to be looking at baby stuff right now. I've been trying to relax and not stress about TTC and let nature take it's course but it's hard to relax and not stress when you are looking at baby registries for a baby shower. I had gotten a headache from figuring out a budget for what to get for the baby shower.