Husband doesn’t have sex with me often


So, my husband and I have been together for almost 2 years. I’m 37 and he’s 42. I have a child who is now 19 from a previous relationship. My husband has never had a child before. He wants a child... Badly.

I didn’t want another child when we married, but long story short, I do now and I’ve been trying hard for 7 months. OPKs, tracking, folic acid, etc. All he has to do is have sex with me during the fertile window. As the months have gone on, it’s harder and harder to get him to have sex with me. This last cycle, it happened only one time... even though I practically begged him to so we had a better chance of conceiving.

I’m hurt. And I don’t know what to do other than stop trying. If he doesn’t want to try for the baby he wanted, why should I work so hard?

Does anyone else have problems with their significant other not being interested in having sex with you but maybe once or twice a month?

I don’t want sex all the time, but a more normal amount would be great for me. I’m at a loss and don’t know what to do. He’s hurt my feelings so bad, I’m sleeping in the spare bedroom until he figures out what his problem is...

Thanks in advance for any insight friends.