Exercise - anyone else too sick/ tired?

I’m usually a bit of a health freak. I work out most days, eat really healthily and love the energy that both activities give...

But I’ve run (boom boom 🤪) into a problem: since finding out I’m pregnant, I’m super tired and nauseous. I can barely lift my head off the pillow in the morning so forget about heading out for a run, swim, barre class or morning hike!

Not to mention my boobs just won’t let me do any cardio - they’ve swollen to twice their size already (maybe a slight exaggeration) and I have to wear a scarf to hide them from colleagues - who knew the boobs would let my secret slip before it’s time to announce?! Any bouncing; or, let’s face it, just standing in the shower with the water hitting them; is just far too painful!

Added to that, I only want to eat carbs. Bread settles my stomach. Salad irritates it. Steak irritates it. Eggs, vegetables, chocolate, chia seeds... everything gives me diarrhoea 😩

Oh, and I broke a toe so I have a moon boot and limited movement because of that.

I haven’t vomited yet but I’ve come very close (mainly in the back of an Uber and once or twice on a long haul flight). My problem is the other end.

Summary: I’m sick, tired and injured 😤

Anyone else experiencing the same?