Has your partner ever threatened to stop TTC with you?


My fiancée and I have been TTC for two months. I am going to be 43 in February so am getting nervous as time is not on my side. We are also in an LDR and although we see each other on weekends it seems my peek at high fertility days or during the week for ovulation. Anyways I was crying last night that I am scared because I’m going to be 43 and I’m stressed out of because of ovulation. And he threatened that we are only going to try for a week longer and that’s it because he says this is creating too much stress for him and he is starting to get too tired at his job and he is feeling upset about it. Not upset about the baby but just that he is so tired at work. But the thing is is I do not understand why it is my fault. I have about one bad day a week where I get scared and cry. But his job is about a 12 hour workday and almost a three hour commute round-trip. So I do not understand why his lack of sleep is due to me. Yes we talk on the FaceTime after he gets home but I try to let him go around 930 at night so he can go to bed. But he gets up at four in the morning. I just felt last nights conversation he blamed me for everything and threatening to only try for a week more for a child really does nothing. I just feel sad. I told him to leave me if he thinks I am that much of a problem but he says no but he has to put his limitations down too. Yet he says he has always wanted to be a dad. It just scares me he said that to me.