Advice please

So my husband was just diagnosed with Anxiety and Depression and it’s been recommend he start therapy right away and try Zoloft. He’s definitely willing to try both but we’re also wanting just some advice and input from other people just things like coping skills and other stuff that has helped them so he has options to try if the medicine isn’t enough or if it doesn’t work for him. We have a baby girl on the way and he’s scared that he won’t be a good parent to her because he will still be finding out what works for him and helps him when she’s born. Anything I can say to help put him at ease?? I just want to help the best I can. I have a general mood disorder so I’m not completely uneducated in these issues but the things that help me manage my issues don’t help him because they arent the same things.

-small back story his mom I guess got him diagnosed as a child with these issues as well as some learning disabilities but just ignored them and didn’t do anything to help him or even tell him he had these issues (she told his dad he only had a speech issues so he did get help for that as a kid but only for a few years) so he’s been going through this his entire life with no support, while his brother who has some of the same issues was given all the help and support possible from their parents so learning this has made my husband very upset-

I don’t know if it’s ok to post anonymously in this group but I have friends and family on this app and my husband doesn’t want lots of people to know until he has a better understanding of his problems and can handle them better so while he’s ok with me posting this he asked I do it anonymously.