What do I tell her?

So I have had this big problem lately and I keep putting it aside because I hate talking about it and don’t want to make her upset.

My piano teacher, because I’m a senior, wants me to do a senior recital where I call a church and get reservations and play all the songs I’ve learned over the 6 years I’ve been taking lessons, invite my friends and family, and do a recital.

I REALLY don’t want to do that. I have really really bad anxiety and have done like five recitals in my life and feel like I’m going to die at every one of them. I keep putting it off and telling her that the church hasn’t called back yet but I don’t want to do it. What do I tell her? She’s so excited about it but I seriously want to cry every time I think about doing it. I am so bad at expressing my feelings and my opinions.