There goes my excitement

Hannah • TTC #2 for almost 8 years 💙

Af was due Monday and never came, my cycles are kinda short though so it didn’t surprise me to get a BFN. Well today I thought maybe my cheap little test trips weren’t sensitive enough...

So I decide to go get a first response test, after all, if they supposedly can give you a positive 6 days before a missed period for a normal 28 day cycle then I should be good.

So I put on a bra and get to the store as fast as I can, the lady in front of me is checking out super slow of coarse.

Finally check out and get home as fast as humanly possible and I’m dying to take the test. After I take it and wait for it to do its thing. I wipe and there’s AF.... FML

I seriously just wasted an expensive test while I was on my period.