What would you do??

So my kids dad and I been together on and off since 2013. Not gonna go into the reason why we were breaking up because that's not the topic... we were in 12th grade when I was pregnant with our daughter, he lived with his family and I lived with mine.. I started working as a counselor for elementary and middle school children. I use to give him my little checks I didn't know what to do with $70 checks. So fast forward to 2016. Nov 2016 I became pregnant with our son.

Here's the good good... he stopped working the same month. found out I was pregnant Dec 23, I worked up until the middle of July. (due Aug 20) he started working. I was paying rent with my daughters (SSD) and abt 60$ of my weekly check went towards it also. he'd pay the light bill, sometimes buy groceries other times I would.

I went back to work this month because I see he cannot be as responsible as I am. He makes more than me, we both get paid weekly. But his money disappears and then we use my lil checks. not to mention I work 15 hours a week at the most.

I'm tired of being broke because he is not responsible. I try to make my lil 70-130 dollars last a week. But I hate that I can't never treat myself or the kids to something. ☹️☹️