FREAKING OUT possible heart defect?


I had my anatomy ultrasound today at exactly 18 weeks... Everthing seemed to go quite well and I found out that I'm having a GIRL!! 😍😍😍😍💕💕

However, the u/s tech informed my midwife that she could not see the 4th chamber of my baby's heart. I have been referred to a maternal/fetal specialist for further testing. My midwife said that she hasn't had a mother with this issue before and kind of prepared me for the worst.

I'm so upset. There is no history of heart problems or defects in my family or my husband's. It totally blindsided me. I don't even know what to think or feel. I'm waiting for the specialist's office to call me back with an appointment time.

Have any of you moms had issues with fetal heart visibility? Maybe it was just too early for the scan? Please, tell me that it doesn't mean the absolute worst.