Anyone else electing to have a c-section? Or VBAC??


Before you jump to judge! I have a 3 year old son who was born via c section after well over 24 hours of labor. I only dilated to 7 cm, and the whole experience was hell. Back labor, no epidural, having to be put on Pitocin because contractions f'ing stopped in the middle of labor... The c section (which I basically had no choice but to have) was the best part of the whole experience. My poor baby was so wedged in my pelvis, they had to use forceps to remove him and had a hard time getting him out.

I've had my heart set on a VBAC since day one (I'm over 22 weeks pregnant now), but I'm leaning more towards a c-section now. I'm worried the same thing will happen again. I'm only 5'2 and very small build, my husband is 6'2 and his whole family (siblings, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.) were ALL born over 9 pounds. Our son was 8 lb 3 oz and born early. I just don't see a VBAC going well. I've been so confident it will be a smooth process but there's just no way of knowing that.

So now that I've given some back story, please mommas, how did you decide if you were going to have a c section (repeat) or a VBAC?? And if you've already done either, how did it go??? Please any advice would help this momma!!