when to test


I know these posts are extremely annoying, but I only have one test and don't want to go buy more if I tested too early or didn't need to at all.. I had my daughter November 2016, and since then, my period has been ALL OVER THE PLACE, I never know when I'm going to get it, my last period,, I got boxing day, and it lasted till new years <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a>, with a tiny bit of spotting new years day, it's now February 1st and I realized I never got a period in January. I've noticed the past few months that I can tell when I'm getting my.period because I'll get bad cramping like 2 days before, and im super moody right before aswell, but still haven't had any cramping at all and my husband has said i haven't been moody. so I'm just wondering when I should test, or if I should test at all??