Mommies of 12-24 month old..

Just wondering how old your little ones are and what they already learned to do. (walking, crawling, saying words if so what words? do they know how to brush their own teeth, still drinking from a bottle? do they know letters, numbers, body parts)? anything or everything please tell and let me know lol I'm only asking because I have a 15 month old and I know every baby is different but I feel like I'm failing her as a mom and I know there's so much I can be doin right now. we've been in the process of moving (we're having problems with that and I'm pregnant with #2 so it's been difficult to not have any of our belongings here with us nor many of her toys or free space /: usually I have the tv on for background noise but I'm going to start turning it off completely because she gets distracted when I try to teach her new stuff. what do you guys do with your babies?