Belly binding


Hi ladies!! So I'm 6 months postpartum, and completely hate how my body looks. I don't mind the stretch marks at all, just the way my stomach is... it sags down now and I have an overhang... I got huge when I was pregnant. Anyway... I didn't know about belly binding or wrapping, and the hospital never said anything to me about it (which I'm pissed about because a girl I know had her child 4 days after me at the same hospital and they told her all about it and even gave her a belly band to use... same nurses too 🙄). Do you girls think it would still have any effect now that I'm 6 months pp? Everything I'm reading says it should be used right away, so I'm wondering if it's even worth the money to buy one? Any input is appreciated! Oh, I had a csection if that makes any difference?