Where should a grown man kiss his mom?

My husband finds it weird that my adult brothers kiss my mom on the cheek and I find it weird that my husband kisses his mom on the forehead. I noticed it was weird when he came home one day when my MIL was visiting and as soon as he walked in the door he went straight to kiss his mom on the forehead and sat down without acknowledging me. It sounds horrible I know. but I was 5 days post partum and my hubby had left me to go work for a couple days and I was sooo excited to see him and bummed me out to feel ignored. Anywho, that's when I noticed how it was weird to see him kiss her that way because just recently I noticed how he kisses my forehead that way and it just felt different. I used to feel like it was an intimate kiss. now I just see him kissing me like he kisses his mom. I feel guilty feeling like that but I asked him to no longer kiss my forehead like that anymore. & I explained why. What do you ladies think? Is there any other place to kiss a mom?

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