Really excited!


My husband went to college for welding, and is actually very good at it. I don't have any pictures of it right now, but he welded dog tags into a rose for his mom (he was in national guard). Well we have wedding bands that are pretty, but not really what I was hoping we'd have. I mentioned to him a couple weeks ago on how he should just make us a new set. Well time went on, so I mentioned last night the idea and if he'd thought any on it. He said he hadn't (fine, things have been crazy and stressful). I mentioned how I knew of a ring that's very pretty but simple enough it shouldn't take long to put together. He loves it too! So he says he's gonna start it soon (our set we have now fits terribly since I got pregnant again). I'm so excited for it! I've loved this ring for years, and now it's gonna be ours! I told him I wanted the metals a little tighter together, more solid. But this is basically it.