Wanting Marriage?

I know it’s not just me, but I wanted to know how you other ladies are dealing with this. I’m 27 with a 6 year old. I’ve been dating my significant other for almost 3 years now and my marriage fever is through the roof! I know some may say 3 years isn’t a long enough time to wed but I disagree with that, especially when you’re dating as an adult. Being 3 years from 30, and raising a child, I’m ready to settle down and say “I do!” I know my SO wants to be married but I’m anxious & starting to feel like it’ll never happen. PLUS I’m ready to have more babies. Ugggh!!! 😩😩 I need a woman pep talk!


So because I want to remain anonymous (idk if there’s chicks on here who may know my SO) I’m going to response to some comments here. One person mentioned getting married at 30 & having their 1st baby at 33, nothing wrong with that boo, but it’s different for me because I already have a child from a previous relationship. So my dating expectations and settling down preference was different from the get go. I knew that once I began dating after my sons father and I broke up, that I didn’t want to waste my time in pointless relationships, which my SO was aware of. I also saw a comment about someone saying they were with there SO for 2 years and couldn’t imagine marrying them. AGAIN different circumstance. No children involved, plus you’re only 23, you still have ample time to enjoy one another. For me, idt marriage has a time stamp. There’s people who have been together for ages and got married after being together 10, 15 years and their marriage fails or vice versa. Then there’s couples who get married after knowing one another a few months and there marriage lasts a lifetime, and vice versa. So I’m just saying, I’m ready. And to answer the question of if we’ve talked about marriage or if he knows how I feel, yes we have. But I don’t think he’s aware that I’m as ready as I am and I don’t want to be that nagging gf begging him to marry me. ALSO, I forgot to mention, he doesn’t have any children and he has crazy baby fever. Its to the point where he’s asked me several times to remove my IUD so we can try and my hang up is one, I’ve been someone’s “BABYMAMA” already and I don’t want to go down that route again. So I’ve made it CRYSTAL clear that I’m not having any more babies until I’m married. Two, if you can make me the mother of your child, then why can’t you marry me? 🤔