Fast and furious labor! *updated*


I went to my regular scheduled appointment at 37+3 and my OB was concerned with my high pressure and protein in my urine. She decided to induce me that day and sent us over to labor & delivery. They started me on cytotec at 1:15pm and penicillin and dosed me every 4 hours. At 7 am they put me on 2 of pitocin and broke my water. Soon after I got my epidural which was heavenly and was able to rest. Around 1 they came in the check me and said I was a 7. Not even 10 minutes later I told my nurse that I felt the need to poop. She didn't believe me but had the OB check me anyways. I was at a 10 and ready to push. By this time my epidural had worn off and I was feeling everythingggggg. It was a blessing and a curse because it helped me feel the right way to push. After only 8 minutes and an episiotomy Mia Grace was born weighing 8 lbs and 20.5 inches long on February 1st. I've never been so in love

Update ****

Mia unfortunately didn't pass one of her 24 hour tests for her blood oxygen level. It seems like Mia aspirated some of her bottle and has to be treated with antibiotics. She has to be on oxygen as well and can't come home until at least Sunday so I'll have to leave without my baby girl ☹️. Please send prayers for a quick recovery

Update #2 ****

Mia is doing really well and was taken off of cpap last night and is on 21% oxygen through a regular cannula. She's still having a hard time regulating her breathing so unfortunately she has a feeding tube and I'm unable to breastfeed. I've been pumping like a madwoman and I've been able to keep up with her!! She'll still be in the NICU for another week or so but things are looking up! 😊