To be or not to be, that is the question.

So I’m going to tell y’all the full story. 💯

My boyfriend came over on January 14. Things got heated and he put his thing on my vagina lips blah, blah, blah. He didn’t cum but he probably pre-cummed, especially considering boys don’t notice when they do that. I was on day two of my period. (Kind of nasty right.) But after that I went to the bathroom and douched with some water just in case. (It was a bloody mess😂, also I’m a virgin and so is he) but anyways the next day I started joking around and was “like what if I’m pregnant” and telling him “i threw up” but you know i was just kidding (we joke like this all the time) and then I got to thinking what if I am??????? So, I go and look up signs/symptoms and stuff and then that same week I started getting a little dizzy, my stomach started hurting, I started getting headaches, and I’ll kinds of stuff. (I feel like if I would’ve never looked them up I would’ve never felt this way) Now, go to the next week, feeling great 🤗. I feel perfectly great. No kind of symptoms whatsoever. So I’m like “I’m definitely not pregnant, nice try body😂*slaps knee*” Now go to this week, my stomach feels queasy, my head hurts a little, and my lower back is sore. Now my boobs have never hurt in anyway, I haven’t thrown up at all, and I am not peeing like crazy. (Those are usually the universal signs) And its been 3 weeks and 5 days since the “event”😏. So what do you think? I am I tripping or am I good?