
I got my hopes up that things had changed and life was gonna be good to me for once. It seems like every time I get things under control and it looks like I can just live life and get ahead for once, shit has to happen. Having a baby, losing my job, getting hit by a hurricane, getting in a car accident and totaling my car (other driver was texting and driving and ran through a red light), my dad dying and leaving medical bills unpaid... and that’s all just in the past year. But we thought we finally were getting stable and getting back on our feet. Got a new car, I found a new job, etc.

So my husband and I put our hard earned money together, pulled a ton of strings and found a home we LOVE! It’s everything we need and want in a house, at least while we’re renting. We felt like this was it, things were looking up and we could stop worrying so much.

I work from home and rely on internet and having a home phone. I cannot work without those two things, and we cannot afford to live without my half of our income. So of course, after viewing it, we called our internet provider to make sure they offered service before we even applied for the house.

We talked to TWO people!!!!!!! And they both took the address and assured us that we’d be able to move all of our services to that address, no issues.

Well. We just spent $2,500 we really can’t afford to lose on this house in the deposit and first month’s rent and turning on electricity. $2,500 that WE CAN’T GET BACK. And we signed a legally binding 12 month lease.

Well, we call our internet provider to begin moving our services so we can move in, and they say “oh sorry we don’t service at that address at all!”

So we made some calls, because online there are other providers who say they service that specific address when we put it in their website. Only to call and find out that somehow THAT address doesn’t get ANY service at all. WTF?! It’s not even rural or in the country! it’s 5 minutes from a major city where 3 major ISPs offer excellent service!

So now we’re out $2500, don’t have enough money for rent for our current apartment this month since we spent it on this new house, stuck in a lease for a house we can’t afford to live in without my job, and I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to get past this without ending up homeless and with 1, maybe 2 evictions in the same month.

I’m stressed and don’t know what to do. I’m tired of feeling like I’m failing at life. I’m just trying to survive without constantly getting knocked down, and now I don’t know where my and my family are going to live or how I’m going to keep working after this.

Any advice or just words of encouragement please 💕 I’m hoping somehow everything works out one way or another.