Birth Story

Hi! At 39w Dr decided to schedule my induction at 39w,3d due to GD. He said they would probably do the gel or cervidil.

So last Friday I went in the morning, and he inserted the cervidil tape which hurt like heck by the way!! :/ An hour with it in I started to have moderate-pain contractions, I thought that was the worst of it at the time lol! Nurse sent me home to labour and said come back when 4-1-1.

Afternoon laboured at home, suffering through the contractions, called the hospital at 5p and they said to make our way back.

Once back they did a cervix check, which also hurt so much! Only at 1cm. They saw I was in pain so decided to remove the cervidil and admit me L&D; to let me be for a bit.

Doc came in a couple hours later to check in and offer pain relief before they did another check and started the Pitocin. That whole process started and went on all evening and overnight. The epidural would wear off for me pretty quickly each hour so we had to keep topping up and they even had to top up a couple time via adding to the IV (not just button). Contractions on the Pitocin were very painful, a 9.5/10 all night.

Morning came and after checking it was only at 7cm so after 22(!) hours of labour it was decided we had to do the csection. That process went by pretty quickly, baby was born 730a then the whole thing was finished 20 min later, thank goodness! Baby came out with such a cute cry, hubby got to see him born, we kept it a surprise the whole pregnancy and it was a Boy!!!💙 6 lbs even! Which is what 💯 of people guessed, including us! It just felt like a boy and everyone said because of the shape of my belly and that I didn't gain weight anywhere else only belly, looked like a boy. A lot of people didn't even notice I was pregnant the entire time until the final month lol!

Recovery this week has been a little brutal to be honest, hubby has been great taking care of both of us. Can't wait until I feel better. Women who have natural births are sooo lucky!! Send me positive vibes my way please :)

Best wishes to everyone else in their labour journey!☺️