Baby’s Born 🙌🏾🤱🏾


Namiyla was born February 1st,2018 due February 6th,2018. February 1st came into labor & delivery at about 12:45/1:00pm at 4-5 Centimeters doctor decides they will keep and get things going. They get my delivery room cleaned and set up. 4:30 nurse comes in to start Pitocin (mind everyone I’m having contractions but not feeling ANY OF THEM.)She’s coming back in every 20-30 mins turning up the pitocin. Waters still not broke. I’m feeling the contractions but they feel like period cramps the more she turns it up. Anesthesiologist comes in and talks to me I’m not getting the epidural because my platelet levels have been low this pregnancy 🤰 and it’s not worth going through😬😫😩....Okhay fine. I’ll take Fentanyl. You can only get that till you reach 7 Centimeters-after that no more. So the doctor comes in she’s checks me I’m still 4-5 Centimeters. She feels around for my water bag which apparently had burst some on its on. She says let’s break the rest😳 at this point I’m like No! Because I knew once they broke my water I would REALLY feel my contractions full throttle it happened with my first! Soons she broke the rest my nurse gets me the Fentanyl that last for 1-2 hours....Okhay I can deal with some pressure off since once again I’m not gettin the epidural. At this time it’s about 6:45so I’m contracting like crazy I put my headphones in turn em up and hold on to the rail of my bed and let em roll. About 7:30 I’m complaining about butt pressure she checks me I’m at a 7 I call again about butt pressure I’m at a 9 😳so now we’re calling the doctor getting the team in position! Soons doc comes in they explain to me what to do how to push and I start.....Start screaminggggg it was so painful 😣 8:34 my babygirl was out. It felt soooo good but what felt better was delivering my placenta 😪. I only got one stitch and a 7 pound 3 ounce 20 inch long babygirl !