Losing Hope

My husband and I got pregnant, while I had the Skyla IUD, in October of 2016 and lost the baby two days before Christmas after the doctor tried to remove my insert. I was inconsolable, my poor husband was so incredibly supportive. The doctor suggested we go back on birth control until I felt stable enough. We did because we didn't feel like it was the right time quite yet as my husband was still finishing school. In August of 2017 we chose to start trying, so I had my IUD removed again and six months later still nothing. My husband has a fairly low count, and since August my periods have been erratic; my cycle ranging from 13 days to 61 days. There is only one OB office in my town and they are booked for another two months still. I feel like I don't know where to turn. My family isn't very close and my in laws don't communicate well, though they mean well. My older sister lives two time zones away and is the only one I can talk to. What do I do? I feel like I'm failing, like I can't even do this one thing my body is programmed to do. I don't know how to stay positive anymore.