possible miscarriage


alright ladies I need some help. I'm 22 pregnant with my second child. I went to the er yesterday for bleeding and cramping. They told me my levels weren't rising the way they needed too. 1/17 they were 101 the following monday they were 242 then the next monday they jumped to 1195 but come that friday they are only 2800(which with me being 5 weeks it should have been close to 8000) He told me to follow up with my gyno but since it's the weekend I have to wait til monday. on my paperwork is said no intrauterine pregnancy was found possible ectopic. hypoechoic region separating the endometrial stripe consistent with a

small amount of blood. And I have a cyst on my right overy. does anyone know what any of this means besides the fact I know I lost the baby. I'm scared and I'm not sure what's going on.