Would You Quit Your Job Over This?


I just started working at a small business in town. so far I'm really enjoying it but recently another employee pulled me aside and claimed I smelled like weed. I was completely shocked and rather insulted seeing as I was functioning at 100%

I proclaimed my innocence and went about my day.

the following night the owner of said business pulled me aside and said other employees could smell it on me and that he's asking I keep it at home, don't bring it to work, and it'd be grounds to fire me. This was all after asking I pick up a shift and work 6 days this week.

My life is not reliant on this job. its something to do PT to get me out of the house and the $$ isn't even that great.

If I was about that lifestyle (which I'll admit I was years ago) I'd take the warning and hang my head. But my fiance and I are ttc so we gave that up forever ago.

I'm so angry I'm being falsely accused and my proclaimed innocence seems to have fallen on deaf ears.

my fiance seems to think I should quit. they've insulted me on many levels and I haven't even been there a week. He says its not worth the stress, what little $$ I get, or the defamation of character. But I enjoy what I do and I'm good at it.

what would you do?? and can easily pass a drug test with flying colors.

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