Bear attack, wyd? (Description)

Tyra • Fluent in profanity & sarcasm | Aggressively positive♥️

There’s a saying where I live that all you need to do in order to outrun a bear is be faster than the person next to you 🙈.

So here’s the scenario:

You and your best friend decide to go camping together. For the first few days everything is cool, calm, and breezy. You’re enjoying the scenery, the Smore‘s are great, and the campfire stories are intriguing.

However, the night before your last day there you wake up to rustling in the bushes. Deciding to investigate, to your horror you realize that there’s a grizzly bear outside your tent, and unfortunately for you he’s hungry.

Frantically waking your friend up, you guys run like your lives depend on it, because they do.

As you’re running you realize that one of you guys is not going to make it so now you have a decision to make:

A) slow down and sacrifice yourself for the sake of your friend. Your sacrifice will give them plenty of time to get to safety and they will remember and love you always for it. Not only that, but the story of your sacrifice will spread and you will be regarded as a hero.

B) Keep running. You and your friend will have a 50-50 chance at surviving, after all it is survival of the fittest but is that a gamble you’re willing to take? HOWEVER, THERE IS NO GUARANTEE THAT YOUR FIREND WONT TRIP YOU. But hey, you trust each other right?

C) Trip your friend. While the bear is preoccupied that will give you plenty of time to get to safety. I mean yeah you can argue that it’s morally wrong, but when it comes to life and death decisions is there ever reallllyyy a moral option???

***Yes creativity is a good thing but in this scenario, it is 100% guaranteed that the bear will get one of you guys. Which one it is, is in your hands but rocket launchers, superpowers, the divine voice of God, Einstein plans, maybes, but’s, and what ifs aren’t going to stop that bear***

—— Further Questions ——-

1. Would tripping your friend be considered murder? If so, in an instance like this, is it okay?

2. Does self-preservation override the concept of loyalty? SHOULD it?

3. If I told you that your friend would have forsure tripped you, would that change your answer?

4. If you chose to trip your friend would you feel guilty? Could you live with the guilt? Why or why not?

5. Bonus question: would you have even woken your friend up 🙊? Why or why not?

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